Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The Sixth Sense is a ghost story and a psychological thriller by M. Night Shyamalan who wrote and direct the movie. The story is about a boy named Cole Sear who appeared to have a big secret that he kept by himself leaving his mother confused by her son's behavior. Then Cole became close with Bruce Willis' character Dr Malcolm Crowe, a child psychologist who tries to help Cole with his issues while dealing with his own personal issues. The movie brought us into the journey of discovering Cole's big secret and how fear arise when we face the unknown.

For me the big theme for this movie is the power of secrets. From the beginning of the movie, we were introduced to Cole and immediately we knew something is not right with him. The 'something' is what makes us focus on the story. We focus on the characters such as Cole's mother when she is frustrated by her own kids and she too tries to figure out what is going on with her child. And an addition to that, Dr. Malcolm also trying to put all the pieces of puzzle given by talking to Cole, trying to find out what is the secret he hides from everyone because it may make things easier for Dr Malcolm to help him because to Dr Malcolm, the secret Cole kept is the source of his strange behavior. As an audience I was drawn by figuring out this secret too. M. Night Shyamalan cleverly put little bit clue here and there throughout the movie until the famous scene where Cole finally tells Dr Malcolm and the audience his big secret, "I can see dead people." For example, throughout the movie Cole mostly alone when he counters with the ghosts and Dr Malcolm actually wears the same outfit he wore the evening he was shot, and also some of outfits he touched before the incident happens. Dr Malcolm also do not speak directly to any other characters except to Cole and his wife. Dr Malcolm also never drive cars in the movie instead he walks or ride buses with Cole. These clues made me not only think and guess what is really going on with Cole because at some point I was clueless just as much as the other characters too, but it also relates back the the big and final revelation where Dr Malcolm learns that he is in fact a ghost too.

The secrets Cole's keeping effect his relationship with his mom and his relationships with Dr Malcolm. This shows the power of secrets. It can divide or bring people people (Imber-Black, 1998). For example, Cole's mother repeatedly asking him what is going on with him and tries to make him talk, at some point she was mad at him for not talking to her. This secret causes a lot of stress for his mother who do not understand why things happening to her son. This makes her feel like a bad parent and parents supposed to know every little detail about their young children. This secret separate Cole and his mother apart. But at the same time, this secret also bring him close to Dr Malcolm. He feels more comfortable talking to Dr. Malcolm after confided him about his secret. He tells him the secret after he fully trusts him, and revealing of the secret breaks the wall that separated both of them. Secrets also could bring people together when it is told on the right place and the right time. In Cole's case, he genuinely sees Dr Malcolm tries to help and he understand there is nothing he could do about it, but Dr Malcolm keeps him company and might be the first "ghost" he met that is actually nice to him. Dr. Malcolm's presence changes his perspective of the ghosts that taunt him and he also discovers his gift might not be a curse after all. By finding the true purpose of seeing ghosts, Cole slowly accepted his fate and that is when he tells his mother the truth, because that is the right time and the right place for him to tell her the secret which brings him closer to his mother.

I can relate with Cole because throughout my life I carry a lot of secrets and when I finally found people that I can trust, I will tell them more about myself and my secret. By this way, I feel more closer to them as they also disclose many secrets about themselves too. But at some point of my life, I realised all of us actually carry the one or two big secret(s) we not willing to give away to anyone. It is like a part of us, and by giving them away might be felt like giving other people the freedom to break you at your most vulnerable place. I think that is why maybe being a little mysterious with people you close with wont hurt anybody because then again, there is always a right moment to tell them.

M. Night Shyamalan managed to trigger the fear in us which is the fear of the unknown. As human, we are more comfortable living our lives knowing what going to happen that day and have certain predictions about how the days should go. Throughout the movie we did not know when is the ghost going to pop up on the screen and the background music adds to the suspense. But above all, what makes this movie is brilliant is the big reveal at the end, without the story, The Sixth Sense probably will be just another forgettable horror movie.


Imber-Black, Evan (1998, July 1). The Power of Secrets. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com

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